søndag, april 12, 2009

Head-Fi and DacMagic

The chain from FLAC files thru the Squeezebox - DacMagic - Argon HA-1 - Denon AH-D2000 is just getting better and better. The Cambridge DacMagic has opened a lot since it got out of the box less than two week ago, and I still expect even more from it. The sound of the full chain is now very open and precise, without any harsh edges. The soundstage is broad and deep with a good definition of both instrument placement and room accoustics. It is a genuine pleasure with both chamber music (I just heard Pianosonate no 2 by Beethoven with the Danish pianist Anne Øland), medium size orchestras (Pianoconcerto no 22 by Mozart) and large orchestras (Symphony no 8 by Dvorak). I haven't heard much vocal thru the digital chain yet - that must be next (after the first string quartet by Beethoven that is ready on the Squeezebox right now).

Substituting the Exposure 2010 amplifier and the Fostex equipped TQWT's for the Argon and headphones gives equally good results. A soundstage reaching outside the position of the speakers and far behind. A lean and deep bass, detailed middle and clean treble - pure bliss. I have experimented with connecting the digital output of the CD-player thru the DacMagic to compare the upsampled 24/192 DAC's and solid state analog output stage of the DacMagic with the more normal DAC's but tube output stage of the Njoe Tjoeb 4000. Well, I must admit that I haven't found the difference yet! It might be there, but masked by the slight niveau differences of the two analog stages. Or it might be masked by the solid state amplification later in the chain. Until now I have only compared thru the Exposure and speakers, maybe the headphones will be more revealing?

Talking of tubes (an old and never realized dream of mine) the other day I stumbled upon the chinese brand Xindak (and a couple of Danish dealers! for example Now-in-Stereo). Xindak is producing several interesting tube amplifiers - and that to a quite reasonable (OK - low!) price. For example the MT1 can be had for just arround 4000,- DKR. With 12,5 W it could be a fine match to my TQWT's with their quite good sensitivity of 94 dB. Another interesting model is the V15 ( 5999,- DKR). This one has got EL34 power tubes and can either run in triode mode - giving 18 W - or in linear mode giving 40 W per channel. Both will give the genuine tube sound (and hopefully tame the top end of the Fostex units just a trifle) and also be a lot easier to adjust the volume with. Due to the sensitivity of the speakers the volume control of the Exposure must be handled with great care today - a turn of a few degrees give a large variation in the sound level. That might be the project for the fall?

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